
Adjectives, like nouns, have different forms depending on whether they are en-words, ett-words, plural, definite or indefinite. The good news is that the definite and plural forms are the same.


The basic rule is that adjectives that go with en-words, do not add any suffix; adjectives that go with ett-words, add -t in the end; adjectives in plural, add -a in the end.

fin blomma (güzel çiçek)fint hus (nice house)fina skor(nice shoes)
stor blomma (büyük çiçek)stort hus (big house)stora skor (big shoes)
eğlence günü (eğlence günü)roligt ord (funny word)roliga kläder (funny clothes)
snäll flicka (nazik kız)snällt barn (kind child)snälla människor (kind people)

Dikkat edilmesi gereken başka modeller de var:

Sesli harfle biten sıfatlarny (new)nyttnya
Ünsüzle biten sıfatlar + -dberömd (famous)berömtberömda
Adjectives ending in -a + -dfrustrerad(frustrated)frustreratfustrerade
Ünsüzle biten sıfatlar + -tintressant (interesting)intressantintressanta
Sesli harf + -d ile biten sıfatlard (red)ttda
-en ile biten sıfatlarvaken (awake)vaketvakna
Adjectives ending in -er, -elvacker (beautifull)
enkel (simple)
-dd ile biten sıfatlarhögljudd (noisy)högljutthögljudda
Sesli harf + -m ile biten sıfatlardum (stupid)dumtdumma
Sesli harf + -nn ile biten sıfatlartunn (thin)tunttunna

Some adjectives do not change their form: bra (good), gratis (free), fel (wrong) + adjectives ending in -ande, -ende: talande:> (significant), förstående (understanding).

Note: The adjective liten (small) is irregular: en liten flicka (a small girl), ett litet barn (a small child), två små flickor (two small girls).


-a: dyra: (expensive), fina (nice).

İsim belirli formdaysa ve öncesinde belirli formda bir sıfat varsa, sıfattan önce den, det, de olmalıdır:

  • den dyra boken - pahali ki̇tap
  • det fina hus - güzel ev
  • - the kind people - the kind people

After min, din etc. (=possessive pronoun), Nathalies (= genitive noun), samma (the same), nästa (next), the noun must be in its indefinite form:

min dyra bok (my expensive book); samma dyra bok (same expensive book); nästa nya film (next new movie)

Karşılaştırmalar ve Üstünlükler

The easiest way to form comparatives and superlatives in Swedish is to add -are (comparative) and -ast/-aste (superlative indefinite/definite) to the plural form of the adjective.

fin (nice)- finare - finast
snäll (kind)- snällare - snällast
varm (warm)- varmare - varmast

The definite form of superlative adds the suffix -aste instead of -ast:
den vackraste flickan (en güzel kız)
det starkaste barn (en güçlü çocuk)

Adjectives ending in -isk and adjectives in participles use mer(a) and mest:
typisk (typical) - mer typisk (more typical) - mest typisk (most typical)
energisk (energetic) - mer energisk - mest energisk
irriterad (irritated) - mer irriterad - mest irriterad


Yaygın düzensiz formlardan bazıları:

PozitifKarşılaştırmalıEn Üstünlük
stor (büyük)störrestörst
liten (küçük)mindreminst
gammal (eski)äldreäldst
ung (genç)yngreyngst
hög (yüksek)högrehögst
låg (düşük)lägrelägst
uzun (uzun)längrelängst
bra (good)bättrebäst
yoksul (banyo)sämresämst
yoksul (banyo)värrevärst
much (çok)mer/meramest
many (birçok)flerflest