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The Parrot Shah, Part 2

Next day, the Shah ordered a large, brightly feathered parrot with a strong beak to be brought to him. He had decided to use his own magic powers, and he said to Saleb: "My soul is going to enter this parrot, but my lifeless body will return. Watch over it day and night till I come back." After a long prayer to the God of Reason, the Shah did everything he had been told and fell into a deep sleep. His breathing grew fainter and fainter till it died away and he lay still on the bed. Watching worriedly, Saleb saw that the parrot, which had been sitting quietly on its perch, was now flapping its wings wildly.

The parrot quickly reached the mountain. The air was cold and he flapped heavily upwards but the highest peak was soon left behind. Far below lay the turrets of the palace and the glinting of thousands of spikes. Somehow, the parrot struggled across the rows of sharp steel and landed safely beside the magic tree.

The sun was setting when Gala and her two servants stepped into the fruit for the night. As the pomegranates closed, the calls of the three maidens rang in the ears of the Parrot Shah, and in the second before they shut, he caught a fleeting glimpse of the beautiful princess. Her gleaming dark eyes seemed to smile at him. Then the branches rose into the air and the fruit shrank back to their normal size. As they pointed upwards, the parrot sprang into the air and, with a blow of his strong beak, ripped the pomegranate containing the princess from its branch. Clutching the fruit in his claws, he flew off into the night.

The twinkling stars lit the Parrot Shah's path home. This time it was hard to cross the mountain, but the parrot felt neither cold nor fatigue, for he could still picture Gala's lovely face. As he gripped the magic pomegranate, the parrot knew that it was hindering his flight, and his wings grew weary and slow. In panic, he felt he was going to drop the fruit, but the thought of Gala's eyes filled him with new strength. Suddenly he saw the valley. He was over the mountain. Now, he had to find the energy to go on and re-enter his own body. And then admire Gala, the bride of his dreams.

Saleb had been watching at the window, left open day and night, and guarding his master's lifeless body. Full of remorse at having coaxed the Shah into undertaking such a dangerous mission, the poor Minister had never stopped praying. Suddenly, he leapt to his feet: "Thank Heavens!" he cried. "At last! At last! . " The stars were fading and the sun coming up, tinting the clouds with pink, when the parrot appeared. Gently laying its precious burden on the bed, the bird went back to its perch. and the Shah's body came slowly to life. Saleb threw himself in front of his master.

"Sire!" he gasped. "I've been so afraid. I thought I'd never see you again." The magic worked as the sun rose over the horizon and its first rays shone through the window. The pomegranate began to grow and grow as it did each morning, then it gently opened and out stepped Gala, smiling.

"Where am I? How did I get here?" she gasped in surprise. The Shah clasped her hand and kissed it fleetingly.

"You're in your future husband's palace!" The Chief Minister clapped his hands in delight. The wedding took place the very next day and the couple ruled happily ever after. From that day, all the parrots in the Shah's kingdom were treated with great respect.

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Next day, the Shah ordered a large, brightly feathered parrot with a strong beak to be brought to him. He had decided to use his own magic powers, and he said to Saleb:

"My soul is going to enter this parrot, but my lifeless body will return. Watch over it day and night till I come back."

After a long prayer to the God of Reason, the Shah did everything he had been told and fell into a deep sleep. His breathing grew fainter and fainter till it died away and he lay still on the bed. Watching worriedly, Saleb saw that the parrot, which had been sitting quietly on its perch, was now flapping its wings wildly.

The parrot quickly reached the mountain. The air was cold and he flapped heavily upwards but the highest peak was soon left behind. Far below lay the turrets of the palace and the glinting of thousands of spikes. Somehow, the parrot struggled across the rows of sharp steel and landed safely beside the magic tree.

The sun was setting when Gala and her two servants stepped into the fruit for the night. As the pomegranates closed, the calls of the three maidens rang in the ears of the Parrot Shah, and in the second before they shut, he caught a fleeting glimpse of the beautiful princess. Her gleaming dark eyes seemed to smile at him. Then the branches rose into the air and the fruit shrank back to their normal size. As they pointed upwards, the parrot sprang into the air and, with a blow of his strong beak, ripped the pomegranate containing the princess from its branch. Clutching the fruit in his claws, he flew off into the night.

The twinkling stars lit the Parrot Shah's path home. This time it was hard to cross the mountain, but the parrot felt neither cold nor fatigue, for he could still picture Gala's lovely face. As he gripped the magic pomegranate, the parrot knew that it was hindering his flight, and his wings grew weary and slow. In panic, he felt he was going to drop the fruit, but the thought of Gala's eyes filled him with new strength. Suddenly he saw the valley. He was over the mountain. Now, he had to find the energy to go on and re-enter his own body. And then admire Gala, the bride of his dreams.

Saleb had been watching at the window, left open day and night, and guarding his master's lifeless body. Full of remorse at having coaxed the Shah into undertaking such a dangerous mission, the poor Minister had never stopped praying. Suddenly, he leapt to his feet:

"Thank Heavens!" he cried. "At last! At last! . . " The stars were fading and the sun coming up, tinting the clouds with pink, when the parrot appeared. Gently laying its precious burden on the bed, the bird went back to its perch. and the Shah's body came slowly to life. Saleb threw himself in front of his master.

"Sire!" he gasped. "I've been so afraid. I thought I'd never see you again." The magic worked as the sun rose over the horizon and its first rays shone through the window. The pomegranate began to grow and grow as it did each morning, then it gently opened and out stepped Gala, smiling.

"Where am I? How did I get here?" she gasped in surprise. The Shah clasped her hand and kissed it fleetingly.

"You're in your future husband's palace!" The Chief Minister clapped his hands in delight. The wedding took place the very next day and the couple ruled happily ever after. From that day, all the parrots in the Shah's kingdom were treated with great respect.