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Emma's Students Stories, A Case In The Store by Vincent

One day, Tom's mom says to him, “Go buy some food, so that I can cook dinner.” Tom takes the money and goes to the store. A policeman is standing in front of the store. Tom says hello to the policeman, and the policeman greets him. After a while ,Tom picks up some stuff, and goes to pay for it. A man takes Tom's money and runs off with it. When the man gets out the door, the police catch him and call for backup to take the man to the station. Tom is scared . So, he quickly pays for the food and runs home.

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One day, Tom's mom says to him, “Go buy some food, so that I can cook dinner.” Tom takes the money and goes to the store. A policeman is standing in front of the store. Tom says hello to the policeman, and the policeman greets him.  After a while ,Tom picks up some stuff, and goes to pay for it.  A man takes Tom's money and runs off with it. When the man gets out the door, the police catch him and call for backup to take the man to the station. Tom is scared . So, he quickly pays for the food and runs home.